Coastal GreenSpace Guardians

Coastal GreenSpace Guardians is a Nonprofit that is committed to protecting our green space,

wetlands, wildlife habitats, our existing parks through education, increased awareness,

land management, public advocacy, and land acquisition.

“The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it.”— Robert Swan

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Help Protect our Environment

Georgia is one of the top 10 fastest-growing states in our country. Your donations work directly to help us protect green space, wetlands, recreational areas, wilderness wildlife and protected plants and our farmlands. 

Save the wetlands
contribute today
Become a Sponsor

With your Help we can protect and save our wetlands

  • Donate to help CGG with our efforts to educate and protect wetlands.
  • Support wetland restoration and enhancement
  • Guard against wetland loss: Report suspected illegal actions such as unauthorized wetland fill or dredging activities to CGG and we will follow up
  • Plant native: Avoid planting non-native species that can quickly become invasive. Landscaping with native species requires less maintenance and helps to preserve the ecological balance of nearby wetlands. Invasive plants like purple loosestrife and the European common reed outcompete native wetland plants.

You can help us Improve our forests and wildlife habitats

Coastal GreenSpace Guardians will provide several public services, which include:

Tree surveys. We will conduct tree surveys of undeveloped properties marking significant trees with orange or pink tree paint. We will maintain inventories of significant trees by property for presentation at city and county meetings.

Cleanup Campaigns. We will support cleanup programs to cleanup wetlands, greenspace and wildlife areas. Picking up trash not only protects the environment keeps our surroundings beautiful, but it can also save wildlife. 

Foster events which encourage planting native species, which will foster wildlife-friendly environments. 

You can help us - Become a CGG Sponsor

  • Support the preservation and restoration of our Forests.
  • Provide leadership and support to our teams to foster sustainable teams to protect our environment.
  • Help us promote programs to introduce our citizens to nature, conservation, and the importance of maintaining green space for generations to come. 
  • Learn about trees from CGG.  Understanding the vital role that forests play in our ecosystem is crucial
  • Support our educational programs
  • Assist with finding and/or becoming board members to support our organization.

~Conservation is a cause that has no end.  There is no point at which we will say our work is finished~

Rachel Carson

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